Advocating For You
Filling the political gap for the arts & culture, and education sectors across the country.
Initial consultations are one-hour for clients to get to know OUR Politico better and for OUR Politico to get to know their potential clients’ needs better and discuss their goals. If a client decides to move forward with OUR Politico after their initial consultation, the consultation fee will serve as a credit for their selected services.
Government & Public Affairs
OUR Politico's tools and resources enable us to monitor and discover relevant district-level activity, and OUR networks and connections often provide us with a method of effectively advocating for local legislation. We offer OUR customers and their members a comprehensive list of all relevant district legislation and a brief analysis of the bills that have the most effect or significance for their community.
Community Mobilization
Because OUR Politico believes in collaboration and collectivism within communities, we also offer training and workshops for those who are interested in advocacy, lobbying, and community organizing.
OUR Mission
OUR Politico is committed to ensure that the short-term and long-term interests of our clients are adequately resourced and supported through building relationships with policy makers and thought leaders in the respective communities.